I've been doing the Beth Moore Bible study of the book of Esther with about 35 other ladies in our church. The study is titled,
"It's Tough Being a Woman".
Can I get an "Amen" to that statement, Ladies?
We just completed Week 7, and here are some words from our study book that stood out to me:
John 8:32 (NIV) - Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
"I kept thinking how right Jesus was when He said that we who would be willing to know the truth would be set free by it (John 8:32). He meant His truth, of course, but I started thinking how imprisoned we are by our unwillingness to tell the truth about ourselves. To just be honest. Authentic. I'm not talking about making shocking confessions that make us feel better but devastate someone else. I'm talking about simply being truthful about where we've come from...and where we hope we're going. Why can't we be truthful? The answer may be what it would cost us." - Beth Moore
"Being truthful about where we've come from....and where we hope we're going. Why can't we be truthful? The answer may be what it would cost us"?
This is the part that really struck home for me. I don't want people to see my faults, do you? I want to come across to everybody as sweet and kind, happy...the perfect wife...have the perfect husband and marriage...perfect Mother....that maybe I'm even....SINLESS!!!!!
It's so out of our comfort zone to share with others our weaknesses and insecurities, like I talked a little about yesterday. Of course...I also have a tendency to put myself down a lot...which is an entirely different topic for another day....but, if we don't let others know that we're just a sinner saved by Jesus' grace....if all we go about doing is quoting scripture and shaking our Bible at 'em.....and being condemning and/or judgmental....and don't show them love and friendship and kindness....and we don't present ourselves as a living, breathing, mistake-making, sinful person who God had mercy on and saved....will they even listen?!?!
Probably not.
(p.s...this is not to say that we shouldn't be ready to share our Bible knowledge with somebody who is needing to hear it....but don't us it in a mean, condemning way....remember to think before we speak....say a quick prayer about what God would have you say!!!)
I don't know how familiar you all are with Joyce Meyer. I love to watch her on TV and actually got to go see her speak a few years ago. What impresses me most about her is her truthfulness. She tells things about herself that are embarrassing....she doesn't always present herself in the best of light.... but she admits her faults! That's the very reason why, in my opinion, so many people love to listen to her and read her books...because she gets down on my level, telling personal things about herself that a lot of us wouldn't dream of making public!!!
I'm a SINNER.....I sin every single day. Sometimes it's not a sin of "commission"...but of "omission"....often the Holy Spirit is prompting me to do something and I just totally ignore Him. I might be asked to call somebody....go visit....send a card...smile at that cashier. Often I'm very selfish and I think "why"?...."what about me"?...."nobody ever does that for me"?...."I did that yesterday, or last week, or last month, so why are you asking me again"?...."They hurt my feelings, so why would I want to go out of my way to be kind to them?".
Yep...I've talked to myself....well, maybe not out loud...but I've been very selfish and just flat-out thought more about me and my feelings than somebody else. I truly try not to do that....I do try to be kind....oh, but it's not always easy. Have you ever just known somebody who just got on your last nerve so badly that your tongue bled from biting it so hard to keep from just blurting out what you really think?!?!?!? Well, I have....the tongue bleeding part might be a bit of an exaggeration...but I'm sure you know where I'm coming from. But, often we let Satan control our thoughts....instead of God!!!
So...back to "true confessions". I'm doing better at taking Ms. Beth's advice and being honest and not being so concerned that somebody is going to think less of me....that they won't see me as "perfect". I almost laughed out loud even typing that word....."perfect"!! There was only one perfect person who ever walked this earth and that was Jesus!!! I do strive to be more like Him, and that should be the goal of each of us.
But...in the meantime....I want others to see me as approachable....that really matters to me...and if it takes sharing some of my own faults, insecurities, shortcomings and failures....then I'm willing to do that....just so that I can share with you that there is something perfect about me....living inside me....it's JESUS!!!!!
Philippians 3:12 (NLT)
I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me.
In His Most Precious Love....and with mine!!!
Oooooh that's so true Deb. Personally I am wary of mentioning my faults in my real life - not because I am embarrassed by them but because many people in my life (especially at work) would be able tio use the information against me....whether its lost confidence or whatever....there is always somebody here waiting to use our weaknesses against us. That makes it so very tempting to remain an enigma and not give anything away LOL. I have watched Joyce Meyer online at joycemeyerministries.com (I think that's the link) - my sister gave me the link.
ReplyDeleteOk Deb you've done it again...totally obedient to the Spirit to post what needs to be post....ya keep this up I'm gonna think that I need to send you an offering! ;0)
ReplyDeleteThis is so true. You know several weeks back I ask the Lord to show me the things in my life that are hindering me from being a true example of his light love and his life...and well HE IS FAITHFUL! Being truthful...wow....you are so correct in "trying to present a picture of "perfection" ...I struggle with this constantly. Because as a small child, being the oldest everything was expected of me to be perfect....and it just stuck...I'm not so much trying to convince "them" that I'm perfect as much as I am trying to be perfect....Truth is I am a Sinner Saved by GRACE....I need to learn to relax and let the LORD bring forth the fruit that He desires to feast from my table today...and to share those fruits with those around me....this is excellent "food" for me today.
I was reading this morning one of the comments the author made was, " Victory is the manifested results of the Union of God's Promises and Performances. I am perfect only through His Son's Blood.
I used to watch Joyce Meyer all the time. The Lord used her in a mighty way to get me where I am today. I also enjoyed her not setting herself up above our "oop's of life"....she has been there done that!
Love ya much Deb, this a.m.