Thursday, June 4, 2009

Books and Rainbows and Quotes.....

God Morning, All!!!
I know...I've already posted for today...but I had a bit more to say!!!

A few posts back I recommended this book. I'm sometimes a slow reader, trying to let sink in what I read...but I finally finished it last evening. I've been reading while Pappy has been gone to VBS this week, since I didn't want to contaminate the little ones with my "crud".

I highly recommend that you read it....and hope that it helps you to overcome any prejudice you may sure has helped me to see that I've been prejudiced a lot in my lifetime towards others.

Also, wanted to share a little something else with you. While I was reading, it came up a storm and was raining really hard....but the sun was shining, too. That's something that I've always thought so unusual, but it's totally God....only GOD!!!! But, I suddenly realized that there had to be a rainbow somewhere if that was I grabbed my little camera and went to the porch...and sure enough....there it was....very faint, as you can see in the pic....but I felt that it was God smiling on me. I've felt so terrible that I've missed VBS this week....very guilty that I didn't do my part....but I know that God has a plan, and for whatever reason, if nothing else but to finish this amazing book and be able to share some of it with you all in the coming weeks (if God allows)....then I hope that God can use it...even my sickness....for His glory!!! I truly want everything that I say and do to be for HIM...even though I know that I fall short so this week... :(

Genesis 9:16 (NIV)
Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth."'s one of my favorite (there are several) quotes from the book:

"Just tell 'em I'm a nobody that's tryin to tell everybody 'bout Somebody that can save anybody. That's all you need to tell 'em". Denver Moore

Don't you think that just about sums it up?!?!?!

In His Most Precious Love....and with mine!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing the visible Promise of God and also what a wonderful quote ...of telling somebody .....excellent my dear friend,


Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24