We have two church pews that I dearly love. The red one has been at home on our front porch and the other one....well, he hasn't weathered very well because he's been living on our back deck, right beside the back door...so we could sit there and take our shoes off if we've been working in the yard...or just sit down and rest from all the physical labor....which my body is definitely not used to!!!! But...I had a light-bulb moment a few weeks ago and decided that the red one needed to live in our sun room (which will forever be known as "the back porch"....even the boys know that's what it's called....because almost 30 years ago, that's what it started out as...a deck, then a porch, now a sun room). The weathered pew would move to the front porch out of the weather!!! So...yesterday...during breaks in the rain, I decided that I would do this task....all by myself!!! Do you know how much an old church pew weighs???? I don't have a clue, but they are solid as a rock and heavy as lead. I wasn't at all concerned about hurting myself....but I did ask God to not let me harm anything else...doors, floors, etc. Well, the red pew is now in...on...our back porch (sun room)....the weathered pew is on the front porch, out of the weather (and will be a painting project for another day)....and all is right with the world...well....except for my poor wrists, which haven't healed yet from shoveling gravel....have any of you noticed that getting old ain't pretty?!?!?!?!

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sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24