Is it Thursday again already? It's just so very hard to believe how fast this past week has gone by.
We have so very many people to pray for....seems like we just keep having somebody in our precious church family find out bad news regarding their health. Please keep all the following individuals in your thoughts and prayers.
1. Ms. Norma Watson
Ms. Norma is doing much better and will possibly be coming home toward the end of this week. She still has a long recovery and will need to remain in our thoughts and prayers.
2. Miss Lauryn Kirby
Miss Lauryn had surgery on Monday...and was at church tonight!!!
It's amazing how youth plays a part in healing!!
Please keep her in your prayers that she will heal quickly and get her strength back soon!!
3. Dawson Satterfield
Dawson had his tonsils removed....which we know is very painful.
Please keep this little fellow in your prayers.
4. Ms. Belinda Dunn
Ms. Belinda had surgery for breast cancer last week, and was back at church tonight. We praise God that there is no cancer in her lymph nodes, but she will probably have to undergo radiation. Please keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers.
5. Ms. Bertha James
Ms. Bertha and her family are facing some decisions about her health. Please pray for discernment for them to make the right choices and also please pray for Ms. Bertha. She is a very special lady whom I've had the privilege to get to know in my Sunday School class, along with her daughter, Kay. She is just precious and had all of us in tears this past Sunday with her testimony!!! There's nothing like listening to a child of God give their testimony!!!
6. Mr. Sonny Gray
Please pray for Mr. Sonny as he continues on this "cancer" journey with Ms. Donna. Pray for strength for both of them.
7. Ms. Clara Hurst
Ms. Clara had surgery last week on her wrist for carpal tunnel. Please pray for her continued healing with very little pain.
8. Charles and Ann Hayes
Charles has found out that he has cancer again, and Ms. Ann isn't in the best of health. Please keep this couple in your prayers...and also their doctors that they will choose the best treatment for them.
9. Joe and Rosemary Bentley
Mr. Joe and his wife, Rosemary, both need our prayers for their health problems. Please pray for their doctors that they can determine what is wrong and the proper treatment.
10. Jack Stoffle
Mr. Stoffle has cancer and he and his family need our prayers.
He has been having chemo and his wife praised God that some of his tumors have shrunk.
10. Harvey Elkins
Mr. Elkins' wife passed away...please pray that God will bring him and his family comfort in their sorrow.
11. Roger Hurst
Mr. Hurst is in the hospital....I don't know the details, but please pray for his healing.
Psalm 4:1 (NIV)
Answer me when I call to you, O my righteous God.
Give me relief from my distress; be merciful to me and hear my prayer.
In His Most Precious Love...and with mine!!!
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