Do you like this picture????
You'll probably see it as a header sometime soon. It's not the best quality, but I took it Sunday evening after church and had to add my favorite Bible verse, of course.
It was just a beautiful sunset, and Pappy actually stopped in the middle of the road and let me take the picture....thank goodness nothing was coming up behind us, huh???
But...that's not what this post is about.
How many times have you heard God speaking???
I don't necessarily mean in an audible voice...but speaking to you thru His creation, or thru a friend...something you might overhear, or read in a book, or see on a sign....
or read in an e-mail???
Well....I've heard from God!!!
Wanna know what about???
Are you wondering, "Oh, no, what now"?
As you all probably already know....I spend a lot of time on the computer writing this blog...doing research for it, looking up scripture references, etc.
But....when I log on to look up something, then I have to check my mail, or go check out Facebook, or go see what so-and-so has posted on their blog for the day!!! I've been convicted of spending way too much time on the computer....and I've tried to justify it by saying I'm writing a blog post, or looking up something. Yesterday morning, I got into a slight disagreement with somebody concerning Facebook. After we hung up from our conversation, I immediately decided that I would delete my Facebook account, so that would solve that problem. It can become addicting because so much of people's lives are put out there for all to see....how you're feeling, what you're doing, pics of your family...even "personal" conversations....and if we aren't careful...and I wasn't....it can become a huge waste of your time because you buy into the "nosiness" of it all!!!
Now...right here I want to say...I'm saying all of this about myself...I'm the one feeling convicted...I'm only speaking about me!!!
One of my dearest friends has the following verse of scripture at the end of every one of her e-mail messages:
Never be lazy in your work, but serve the Lord enthusiastically.
Romans 12:11 NLT
I've never considered myself lazy...and if you could have seen us the past few days working in the yard, you wouldn't think so, either....but....I have become lazy in other ways. I do need the computer for my "work" for the Lord....for things that I do that are church related. I think that's how I've justified being on the Internet so much....and that's how Satan convinces us that there's nothing wrong with things that we know in our hearts we need to get rid of!!! He convinced me that I had to be on here for my "work"....so it was okay to spend another hour just browsing thru web-sites.
I have deleted my Facebook account....and I have also deleted a lot of other sites that I had bookmarked....not that there was anything wrong with them....not at all....they're amazing sites for decorating, cooking, etc.
I did keep some of the craft and sewing sites....and some of you fellow bloggers who "blog for the Lord"....I'll still be checking you out!!!
Can you learn from other's mistakes?
Can you read something like this and possibly see yourself?
Maybe it's not the computer that eats up so much of your time...maybe it's something else....TV....books....magazines....hobbies....games....the list could go on and on!!!
I do believe we can learn from other's mistakes....because....when I read things like this that others have written, I always try to apply it to myself....and not pass judgment on the person...just appreciate their honesty.
So...being honest is what it's all about...no hiding...just being out in the open....I've become addicted to the INTERNET!!! Plus...for those of you reading this who are doing the Beth Moore Esther Bible study...it's all about "transparency"!!!!!
Final Conclusion:
I've been doing my "work"...but I've also become lazy in doing it by letting other things interfere!!! Now...in saying that....I will continue to write my blog until God tells me otherwise....but....I won't be checking e-mails as often as I did...or just browsing the Internet!!!
Do you think maybe this will help in getting my home organized??? I sure hope so!!!
Thanks so much to my dear friend for that verse of scripture. She doesn't even know how that scripture just spoke to me in every e-mail I get from her....and won't know until she reads this....but I've felt convicted since you first started using that verse...but, don't you feel one bit bad about that...it was God speaking to me...thru you...once again!!!
(another thing to add to the journal)
Never be lazy in your work, but serve the Lord enthusiastically.
Romans 12:11 (NLT)
Thank you Precious Lord for sending your Holy Spirit to prompt...to guide...and to convict!!!
In His Most Precious Love...and with mine!!!
ReplyDeleteI have heard and felt the same convictions over my computer. I spend way to much time on it. I have to work as I live alone, but the time before and after work is spent for the greater part on the pc. You are SO right in the addiction part of it. It is my outlet to the world. Most of the people I know my age are married and well my life is a bit short of "activities" with friends...except the wonderful friends I have met via Internet. I have narrowed my Internet activites to, two sites ... my blog ....and my photography community site ....email of course and since I removed television by the same convictions of the heart ...I check FoxNews from time to time. Choosing to use my time wisely for time is short! I so enjoyed your post this morning and could relate to it 100%. So now with my gratitude expressed to you for "hearing" the voice of God in your sharing on the post, I think I will get off the pc and do my own studying this morning.
God bless you Deb....thank God for you!
Your blog is wonderful and just not todays but other days. I always enjoy your blogs. I have limited my time on the internet. Now a days is to read blogs, check e-mails and facebook. Only once in a while I'll do one of those facebook activities but now I may be on the compute for as long as 10 minutes unless I am doing a blog or 2 to get a head. Love ya.