Isn't she lovely???
Well...that was me the first part of the week....and I've learned something about myself:
Me + Fever = Crazy, Crazy Dreams
Somebody tried to break in the house on Pap and me...except it wasn't really our house, it was more like my Mom's house. The burglar was really tall and built like a football player...with blonde hair and wearing a ball cap....I scared him away, then opened the kitchen window...my Mom's kitchen window....but there was no sink in front of it...and no garage outside the window...and screamed at him as he ran thru the field.
Pap said I actually cried out and it kinda scared him!!
Then....another night....I dreamed that somebody was attacking me....holding me down and I woke myself up trying to scream, and actually I was just grunting....in my dream, I couldn't get a word out, and I was trying desperately to scream
About 3:00 Wednesday morning the fever broke and I knew I was back in the land of the living!!
But my stomach still feels terrible...this stuff is nasty, nasty.
My prayer is that none of you contact it...but...when Jess took Little Bit for the second half of his flu shot, the nurse told her that it is "going around"....and it's very contagious....so I've been in quarantine for a couple of days.
I guess Pap's turn is next!!!
I sure hope not!!!
I've learned something else.
God can use ANYTHING to get our attention. Remember my blogs on how stressed I've been because I've just got a million things to get accomplished before Christmas?
Well...guess what??? God saw fit to allow this "crud" to slow me down and make me take time to get some rest....and to realize that all of the things that I thought I just had to do....I'll either get them done....or they can wait. The world won't come to an end....and, maybe some people will get a belated Christmas gift. I've allowed the stress of the season to really get to me....and God has shown me the real "Reason for the season".
I still haven't wrapped the first gift....I haven't shopped for food to serve when my family comes this weekend....but, it will get done.
I'm telling you all this to possibly save you from some of the mistakes I've made this year.
Slow down....take the time to enjoy one another....enjoy the Christmas programs at your church...drive-thru nativities....take a drive to look at how people decorate their homes.....watch "It's a Wonderful Life", or your favorite movie...pop some popcorn....enjoy time with your family....play games with your kids....bake cookies with your grandbabies....
just S-L-O-W down!!!!
And....save this post somewhere so you can send it to me next year!!!
In His Love...and with mine!!!
well Sister, I'm taking your advice, I've been taking it all in over the past few days, and I've decided to slow down. I'm gonna wrap, (or should i say put in a nice little bag) my gifts that I've bought and I guess if I've forgot anybody, I'll just have to give them a big ol HUG & KISS and tell them "Merry Christmas" :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm going to really just try to enjoy this next week. Haley and I are going to the TN theater tomorrow night to see an oldie but goodie, "It's a Wonderful Life".
I cant wait. That movie always puts me in the true Christmas Spirit!!
your funny. . .