What's your favorite Christmas movie???? That has absolutely nothing to do with our Thursday prayer requests....I would just like to know what your favorite Christmas movie is. I love Jimmy Stewart in "It's a Wonderful Life". You know the one???.........."every time you hear a bell, an angel gets it's wings"!!! It's a story about what life would have been like if George Bailey had never been born.....it will probably forever be my favorite Christmas movie....partly because I adore Jimmy Stewart (remember Harvey????).....but I love the meaning behind that movie, too!! If you have never taken the time to watch it....please take the time to check it out this Christmas season!!!

Now...on to prayer requests and praises: 1. Mr. Lloyd and Ms. Bonnie - hopefully, they will be able to come home. Please pray for traveling grace for them, as they will be traveling home from Nashville, and we just don't know what the weather is going to be like. Please continue to keep both of them in your prayers. 2. Prayer Requests from church:
a. Jack Stoffle who is undergoing chemo
b. Family of Jim Brown who passed away
c. Brady Pfeffinger - he is only 3 weeks old and is probably going to have one of his kidneys removed because it isn't functioning
3. Please pray for my friend Dawn and her husband, Gary. He lost his job this week....via a text message. What is our world coming to??? Please pray that he will find another job soon.4. I received an e-mail from Ms. Natalie - her Mom has lung cancer and found out this week that her cancer has shrunk 50% after only 2 chemo treatments. Please continue to pray for her that the treatments will completely get rid of the cancer. God is still in the miracle working business!!!5. Please pray for Ms. Marenda's cousin Reed who is awaiting a kidney transplant.6. Please pray for all those who are facing problems with their employment. Our economy is in terrible shape right now, but God is still in control. Let's give it all to Him and know that He will take us thru whatever our future holds.7. Please continue to pray for my Mamaw, and also for my Mom and aunt, who are taking turn about staying with her. She is doing lots better, but please offer up a special prayer for her.
8. My son-in-law sprained his ankle, then developed a throat/sinus infection, now he has a stomach virus on top of all of that. Jess just called and she's feeling nauseated, too. Please keep my family in your prayers and pray that our boys don't get this terrible stomach virus!
I hope I haven't left anyone out. If I have, please let me know!!
In His Love...and with mine!!!
yep, that is the BEST movie. I might just have to put it in and watch it LOL. you'll have to see the email I just sent you.