Thursday, October 30, 2008

Prayerful Thursday.....

Can you believe it's Thursday already??? It seems like I just posted prayer requests and here we are soon!!! I'm reminded of this verse of scripture when I think about how fast my life is going by:

James 4:14 (KJV)
Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.

That does describe my life....a vapor....kind of like the fog that is sometimes so thick in the early morning but soon disappears when the sun comes out and burns it away. Okay...not too sure what brought all that on...except that we are never promised tomorrow. When I post these prayer requests they are most of the time for those who are sick....having health concerns....and many of them are very serious. How blessed those of us are who have our health, and for that we should praise and thank the Lord!!! Also...we need to realize that because we aren't promised our next breath...we should live our lives for the make sure that everything that we do and say...all of our actions...bring glory to God!!!

Now.....on to the prayer requests:

1. This is a request and a praise for our Mamaw Hillard - she is doing much better. She's at home and taking therapy and when me and Big Brother went to see her she was much more alert and her color looked better. She was even complaining about how that therapist "wore me out". So...that's a good sign, right???? Please continue to keep her in your prayers for healing and strength. And, also...please pray for my Mom and my Aunt who are the caregivers, along with the lady who stays with Mamaw. They are putting in a lot of hours making sure she gets special treatment.

2. Mr. Vermillion - he will be having surgery on Friday, October 31st. Please pray for him and for the surgeon...also pray for a speedy recovery with very little pain!

3. Baby Slayden - this precious little baby is in the hospital awaiting a lung biopsy. Please pray for a good outcome of all the tests that he's been through. Also, please pray for his Mommy and Daddy and his grandparents. I just think it so very sad to hear of our precious little ones having health problems. I just feel that they hold a very special place in God's heart and that He treats them extra special...because of how His own Son was treated.

4. Angie Houser - she has an enlarged liver and is having problems resulting from that. Please pray for her healing and for her doctors. Also, please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers.

5. Melvin Luster - Mr. Luster had a kidney removed and his other kidney isn't functioning properly. He is having lots of health problems resulting from this. Please keep him in your prayers and pray that the doctors can find a way to treat him. always...pray for his family and friends.

6. John Effler - Mr. Effler is having severe headaches and is scheduled to have an MRI and a brain scan. Please pray that there is nothing very serious going on with him and that his condition is treatable. Once again, pray for the doctors to know just how to treat him.

7. Jerry Hornbeck - this gentleman had a heart attack. Please keep him and his condition in your prayers.

8. Please continue to pray for the Leonard Bates' family. Mr. Bates passed away over the weekend. Many of you may know him, as he and his wife ran the Kodak Greenhouse. We bought plants and flowers from them every year. Please keep this sweet, dear family in your prayers.

9. Ms. Marenda and her husband Adam - please keep this couple in your prayers. They have 3 boys, plus keep a little baby girl....and it would be wonderful...if it's God's will...if Adam could work second shift so that he can be home to help with them. Pray that if it is God's will that this works out for them. Also, keep Marenda in your prayers as she has been battling with a throat infection.

10. Please pray for our Trunk-or-Treat at our church...and also those going on at all area churches. This is such a wonderful outreach ministry for a church. Pray that all of those involved can reach out to those who are unchurched and invite them to join us in fellowship...remember what I've said before...we all love our own home church and we think it's the best of all...but...God is in all of them. If we can invite those in who don't have a church home...and see them saved...oh, what a blessing...that is all that matter which church they are in!!!

Just a reminder...the time will change Saturday night. So...bring your kiddos to our Trunk-or-Treat, and let them get worn out...then, when you go to bed you'll get an extra hour's sleep...YEAH!!! What a plan!!!

Remember...spring forward...fall back...the time, I mean!!!

In His Love...and with mine!!!

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sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24