Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Blah Day!

Blah Day!!
Do you ever have a day when nothing in particular is wrong but you just feel all "blah"?!?!?!
That's been me today!!! I don't like these days, because that mood makes me feel really guilty....because.....I have so many blessings in my life and to feel "blah" seems so wrong!! I've been blah. So....nothing much to say, except I do want to share this statement that was in my "The Lord's Table" lesson yesterday. It really stood out and I've shared it with a few of you already in an e-mail.

Jesus Christ was lifted up on a cross where He died for our sins. LOOK! Do you see Him there? He is being wounded in His hands for the wrong we’ve done with our hands. His feet are pierced because of the wrong places our feet have taken us. He is wearing a crown of thorns because of the wrong thoughts we’ve cherished. His heart is being broken because of the wrong loves (may I insert here that "loves" can be anything we put before the my we’ve had. LOOK! There He is! Do you see Him there on the cross? He’s our cure! Look, believe and live!

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Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.
Proverbs 16:24